A cold front moved in yesterday and rain poured down hard last night. I'm happy that it did, because I have been wanting to get a few droplets so I could take a break from manually watering our lawn every single day. We don't have sprinklers yet so someone has to provide some TLC for the grass. On the other hand, wishing for rain has it’s own down side too, because my husband Mike spends most of his day working outdoors- I don’t want him cold and soaked in the rain!
It’s funny because household chores and the likes are some of the things that I was not so mindful about during my younger years. I was more concerned about myself, my appearance, school, and friends. I guess I’m getting old! I have learned to embrace responsibilities now as maturely as possible. It’s a great feeling though! It feels wonderful to have a sense of independence and strength.
Anyhow, it turned out to be a pretty relaxing day today. The sweet breeze of the holidays is stirring my excitement. Halloween is coming up soon and I'm very eager to see all kinds of costumes worn by cute little kids running around the streets. The treats are ready too, and I stored them away somewhere safe to avoid sneaky people from pigging out on the kitkats-- including myself!!
I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas also. We are planning to merge the celebration of Thanksgiving and our housewarming party next month. It will be fun to see my in-laws and close friends again. Christmas will be very special too because it will be the first time that we spend it in our new house. I'm sure it will be a memorable one for Mike and me!
Stormin, not this year. I'll probably put up some decorations on the yard for Christmas though. I'll just scare the kids myself with my Halloween mask. ;)
Anyway, that's a nice idea to combine your housewarming and Thanksgiving. Post pictures huh!
God bless u dear!
There are so many holidays and feastings at the last quarter of the year.... but I'm looking forward to it. haha...
Happy weekend!
Eastcoastlife and Crissy, thank you so much!
Blognow101, that's true! my husband is working 7 days a week lately. he's feeling burned out from work and desperately needs rest!
Hope you guys will enjoy the holidays! :)
thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
have a great week ahead.
BTW something for you at my blog..